get ready for some... ANIME LADIES and BOYS who will BLOW YOUR MIND

EPIC hotness....get aload of these bishies...wowiezowie...xD

bAcK to HoMePaGe

5. Luka Megurine.............she's cute and preetty and has a LOT of songs to hear. Plus pink haired????? how does it get any better *droooooooll**
cute pICs of luKa

4. Travis Touchdown... boy o boy i wish hesd take his beam katan a and lop my head off.. . . .. wbatta hottie to trottie mwhahahahaha
som art of TRAVIS

3. is a TIE BETWEEN TWO furry boys....two wolfes of my heart......Koga and INuyasha... theyre so hot idk who to pick but i know Inuyasha is all kagomes so i can hav koga... but still .. . . i love u yashi......SIT BOY!!!!!!

2. guzma...... to be added soon when i make him some blingess for his smexy slef....

1. The ONE ... the ONLY... my WIFE... My LIFE.... Yuyuko Saigyouji!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 i loveher so much so os so much..... we are in luv.....
MY TOUHOU FANPAGE yuyukos very own page.....